OmniQ is a comprehensive tool powered by AI, giving you everything you need to effectively and efficiently manage your customer experience.

  • Centralized customer management.
  • Comunicación Omnic
  • anal.
  • Process automation.

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Don't wait any longer and start using OmniQ today!

Manage your business relationships effectively and efficiently

Multiple Languages ​​and Channels

You can configure it for any country in the world

Scalability and Flexibility

Adapts to the size of your company

Increased operational efficiency

Optimize your workforce


and reliability

 Chat Bots Personalizados

OmniQ is a business messaging platform that allows businesses to manage all their customer conversations from a single platform. With OmniQ, companies get:

  • Integration with multiple platforms
  • Bots personalizados
  • Advanced reports

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ICQ24 exclusive platform

OmniQ has been developed by the ICQ24 team, so you won't have any unresolved issues.


Financial services

Una de las industrias mayormente beneficiadas por OmniQ: Bancos, cooperativas de crédito y otras instituciones financieras que buscan mejorar la experiencia del cliente y automatizar tareas repetitivas.

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OmniQ is a comprehensive software platform that helps colleges, universities, and other educational institutions improve communication and the student experience by automating administrative tasks. With OmniQ, educational institutions can effectively manage a range of tasks, such as student admission, enrollment, finance, human resources, and communication with students and staff, obtaining:

  • Improvements in operational efficiency
  • Automation in administrative processes
  • Significant improvement in User Experience

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With OmniQ, simplify and streamline your administrative processes, efficiently manage information and collaborate effectively in a safe and reliable environment. Boost productivity and optimize decision making with a practical, functional and intuitive solution for the needs of the government sector.

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Health sector 

It works as a digital platform that integrates all the needs of the health sector in one place. We offer a wide range of services so healthcare professionals can spend more time caring for their patients..

  • Quotes
  • Credit card payment
  • Results consultation

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Companies using OmniQ

We are in good company

Request a demo now.

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